Great American poetry Edgar Allan Poe, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens, E. E. Cummings, Marianne Moore

Recueil de poésie anglo-saxonne, comprenant des texte d'auteurs aussi variés que Edgar Allan Poe, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens, E. E. Cummings et Marianne Moore.
- Auteur :
- Collectif d'auteurs
- Éditeur :
- Great Britain , The Octopus Group, 1990
- Genre :
- Poésie
- Langue :
- anglais.
- Description du livre original :
- 640 pages
- ISBN :
- 0 7064 5065 5.
- Domaine public :
- Non
Table des matières
- Mentions légales
- ANNE BRADSTREET, circa 1612-1672
- To my Dear and Loving Husband
- A Letter to her Husband, absent upon Publick Employment
- Upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666
- Contemplations
- The Author to Her Book
- Before the Birth of One of Her Children
- Contemplations
- The Flesh and the Spirit
- Longing for Heaven
- EDWARD TAYLOR, circa 1645-1729
- Upon a Spider Catching a Fly
- Huswifery
- 112. Meditation. 2 Cor. 5.14.
- If one died for all then are all Dead
- Upon a Wasp Child with Cold
- [When] Let by Rain
- Meditation. J oh. 6.51. I am the Living Bread
- Meditation. 1 J oh. 2.1. An Advocate with the Father
- The Preface [to God's Determinations]
- JOEL BARLOW, 1754-1812
- From The Hasty Pudding, The Hasty Pudding Described
- The Husking
- The Eating of the Pudding
- Advice to a Raven in Russia December, 1812
- Hymn to Peace
- Psalm CXXXVII, The Babylonian Captivity
- To Freedom
- From the Columbiad, The Zones of America
- Burning of the New England Villages
- Thanatopsis
- Green River
- Lines on Revisiting the Country
- The Rivulet
- Hymn of the City
- The Prairies
- To a Waterfowl
- The Snow-Shower
- The Evening Wind
- Spring in Town
- The Antiquity of Freedom
- Seventy-Six
- The Waning Moon
- The Wind and Stream
- Waiting by the Gate
- The Path
- The Death of Lincoln
- The Death of the Flowers
- A Scene on the Banks of the Hudson
- To the Fringed Gentian
- Forest Hymn
- To the Past
- After a Tempest
- Our Country's Call
- An Evening Revery
- America
- The Planting of the Apple-Tree
- The Crowded Street
- The Future Life
- June
- O Fairest of the Rural Maids
- 'I Broke the Spell that Held Me Long'
- The Rhodora : On being asked, whence is the flower ?
- The Humble-Bee
- Concord Hymn
- Sung at the Completion of the Battle Monument, July 4, 1837
- Give All to Love
- Days
- The Problem
- Each and All
- Bacchus
- The Bohemian Hymn
- Two Rivers
- Brahma
- Unity
- Fable
- Ode
- Uriel
- Blight
- Hamatreya
- Woodnotes I
- Woodnotes II
- The Sphinx
- Terminus
- My Garden
- Threnody
- The Apology
- Thine Eyes Still Shined
- Compensation
- Suum Cuique
- Tact
- To J. W.
- Mithridates
- The Visit
- Goodbye
- Ode : Sung in the Town Hall, Concord, July 4th, 1857
- The Test
- Forbearance
- Heroism
- The Jewish Cemetery at Newport
- The Wreck of the Hesperus
- Excelsior
- The Village Blacksmith
- The Landlord's Tale
- Paul Revere's Ride
- The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls
- Ultima Thule
- To G. W. G.
- The Children's Hour
- The Cross of Snow
- Seaweed
- The Republic
- The Day is Done
- Nature
- Serenade
- My Lost Youth
- The Arrow and the Song
- Proem
- From Songs of Labor Dedication
- Skipper Ireson's Ride
- Telling the Bees
- Snow-Bound
- A winter idyl
- My Playmate
- The Haschish
- Barbara Frietchie
- In the 'Old South'
- First-Day Thoughts
- Maud Muller
- The Homestead
- The River Path
- Abraham Davenport
- What the Birds Said
- My Triumph
- The Lost Occasion
- The Summons
- The Last Walk in Autumn
- The Lakeside
- Democracy
- The Battle Autumn of 1862
- Stanzas for the Times
- The Old Burying-Ground
- Ichabod
- To Englishmen
- The Last Eve of Summer
- EDGAR ALLAN POE, 1809-1849
- A Dream within a Dream
- To Helen
- The Raven
- Ulalume - A Ballad
- Annabel Lee
- The Conqueror Worm
- The Valley of Unrest
- The Haunted Palace
- The Bells
- The City in the Sea
- To One in Paradise
- For Annie
- Introduction [to Poems, 1831]
- Eldorado
- Israfel
- JONES VERY, 1813-1880
- In Him We Live
- The Garden
- The Latter Rain
- The Dead
- The Grave-Yard
- Thy Brother's Blood
- The Clouded Morning
- The Lost
- Enoch
- The Wind-Flower
- The Tree
- The Prayer
- The Strangers
- Yourself
- The Created
- The Hand and Foot
- Nature
- Morning
- I Was Sick and in Prison
- The Day of Denial
- Inspiration
- The Inward Morning
- Smoke
- The Respectable Folks
- My Prayer
- Nature
- Sic Vita
- The Fisher's Boy
- Within the Circuit of this Plodding Life
- The Summer Rain
- Conscience
- When Winter Fringes Every Bough
- Carpe Diem
- Each Summer Sound
- The Needles of the Pine
- In the East Fames are Won
- Love Equals Swift and Slow
- Men Say They Know Many Things
- What's the Railroad to Me
- It is No Dream of Mine
- Though All the Fates Should Prove Unkind
- With Frontier Strength Ye Stand Your Ground
- The Western Wind Came Lumbering In
- Where Gleaming Fields of Haze
- My Love Must Be As Free
- The Poet's Delay
- Salmon Brook
- I am the Autumnal Sun
- Friendship
- The Cliffs and Springs
- May Morning
- Walden
- In the Busy Streets, Domains of Trade
- I Knew a Man by Sight
- Last Night as I Lay Gazing with Shut Eyes
- Each More Melodious Note I Hear
- I Was Born Upon thy Bank River
- They Who Prepare My Evening Meal Below
- Independence
- I Mark the Summer's Swift Decline
- Brother Where Dost Thou Dwell
- The Hero
- I Seek the Present Time
- Th' Ambrosia of the Gods's
- A Weed On Earth
- I Saw a Delicate Flower Had Grown Up 2 Feet High
- From A Fable for Critics
- Emerson
- Bryant
- Whittier
- American Literature
- Poe and Longfellow
- Lowell
- Daphne's Embarkation
- In an Album
- Aladdin
- Credidimus Jovem Regnare
- from The Biglow Papers The Courtin'
- What Mister Robinson Thinks
- An Incident in a Railroad Car
- Guvener B. is a sensible man
- A Letter
- WALT WHITMAN, 1819-1892
- There Was a Child Went Forth
- Song of Myself
- 1
- I Heard You Solemn-Sweet Pipes of the Organ
- In Paths Untrodden
- When I Heard at the Close of the Day
- I Saw in Louisiana a Live-Oak Growing
- A Glimpse
- Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking
- When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd
- A Boston Ballad
- Good-bye My Fancy !
- I Hear America Singing
- Pioneers ! O Pioneers !
- On the Beach at Night
- One's-Self I Sing
- To a Stranger
- A Noiseless Patient Spider
- EMILY DICKINSON, 1830-1886
- SIDNEY LANIER, 1842-1881
- The Raven Days
- Struggle
- Thar's More in the Man Than Thar Is in the Land
- Corn
- Evening Song
- The Marshes of Glynn
- Song of the Chattahoochee
- Opposition
- The Stirrup-Cup
- ROBERT FROST, 1874-1963
- The Pasture
- Mowing
- Meeting and Passing
- Design
- Fire and Ice
- The Road Not Taken
- WALLACE STEVENS, 1879-1955
- The Emperor of Ice-Cream
- Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock
- Anecdote of the Jar
- Sad Strains of a Gay Waltz
- Poetry Is a Destructive Force
- Holiday in Reality
- EZRA POUND, 1885-1972
- A Pact
- Dance Figure For The Marriage in Cana of Galilee
- Sestina : Altaforte
- Cino
- Italian Campagna 1309, the open road
- The Tea Shop
- The Lake Isle
- Epitaphs
- In a Station of the Metro
- Alba
- Praise of Ysolt
- Grace Before Song
- Envoi
- In Durance
- Aux Belles de Londres
- Francesca
- Planh
- Of White Thoughts he saw in a Forest
- Silet
- In Exitum Cuiusdam On a certain one's departure
- Portrait d'une Femme
- N.Y.
- A Girl
- Plunge
- A Virginal
- An Immorality
- MARIANNE MOORE, 1887-1972
- The Steeple-Jack Revised, 1961
- The Jerboa Too Much
- The Fish
- Poetry Original version
- Silence
- The Pangolin
- E. E. CUMMINGS, 1894-1962
- 'it is at moments after i have dreamed'
- 'the Cambridge ladies'
- 'a man who had fallen among thieves'
- 'next to of course god'
- 'my sweet old etcetera'
- 'what if a much of a which of a wind'
- LANGSTON HUGHES, 1902-1967
- The Weary Blues
- Ballad of the Landlord
- Madam and the Minister
- Preference
- The Negro
- Acknowledgements
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